Communication has become the heart of humanity upon which all other endeavours thrive. As the nerve wire of human existence, communication dictates the survival of individuals, groups, organisations, communities and nation-states; it is the vital link that ensures mutual understanding and perpetuity of the human race. Extinction and destruction are the natural bi-products of communication absence, breakdown or failure arising from ignorance, unhealthy rivalries, dissents and wars. In other words, communication is next to life as the impetus for knowledge and power.
Communication as a vital navigational tool for human survival has over time gained prominence to become a worldwide multi-disciplinary entity, through which all other spheres of humanity could be understood and effectively harnessed as exemplified in space exploration and artificial intelligence. At the turn of the current millennium therefore, the Lagos State Government, the University Senate and Management of the Lagos State University floated a first-of-its-kind degree-awarding School of Communication.
Since then, the School of Communication of Lagos State University has remained a trailblazer in communication/media education in Nigeria. For close to two decades, the School has trained, nurtured and released graduates into different corners of our national economy, and the global society where we boldly say they are soaring like eagles in their respective job functions.
Through its three main Departments of Journalism, Broadcasting as well as Public Relations and Advertising, this School reflects multidisciplinary diversity which is the essence of communication studies. Our academics hail from varying academic backgrounds; and this has enhanced broad-based scholarship. Communication is a field where many disciplines meet for intellectual cross-fertilisation of ideas. The school has also leveraged on emerging communication technologies leading to the establishment of the Digital Media and Research Centre (DMRC) in 2017.
Professor Sunday Olayinka ALAWODE PhD
Dean, LASU School of Communication