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Dean of Faculty

Dean's Welcome Address

You are welcome to the Faculty of Education, the hub for training of 21st century would-be teachers. The Faculty provides the pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge to make an effective teacher. There are presently five Departments. Educational Management, Human Kinetic Sports and Health Education, Language Arts and Social Science Education, Educational Foundation and Counseling Psychology and Science and Technology Education. It is the  largest Faculty in the University and accommodates 22 programmes. All programmes of the Faculty are approved by the National Universities Commission.

More About the Faculty

Students of the Faculty offer courses both from the Faculty and other Faculties with cognate disciplines. These include: Arts, Science, Social- Sciences and Management Sciences. Students take the same core courses in Education and Content from cognate Faculty. The Faculty offers a Bachelor’s Degree under the course unit system leading to the award of combined degree of B.Ed/ B.Sc Education. All the Departments offer Post-graduate programmes up to PhD Degrees. There is a Post-graduate Diploma in Education degree programme for those desirous of educational qualifications. Also, there are Professional Postgraduate courses in Educational Management. The faculty organizes annual conference on Educational Developments in Lagos state and publishes conference proceedings. The Journal of the Faculty, Educational Perspectives has an international outlook.

Faculty Events

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Past Deans of Faculty of Education

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