(Head of Department)

HOD's Welcome Address

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To produce high caliber graduates with requisite knowledge and skills to occupy various positions in the media industry, media training institutions and ICT agencies of both government and private sector organizations, as well as international institutions. Objectives include: empowering students to be self reliant and of service to the nation: exposing students to the fundamentals of inquiry, writing and reporting for the electronics medium and programmes production/management; train media industry ready personnel that can function and multi task in all areas of broadcasting and mass media; equip students with knowledge and skills for handling current technologies in the Communication and Media Industry for entrepreneurial exploits as well as national development.
Broadcasting Department of School of Communication was set up in the year 2001 and has grown overtime with many units including Communication Technology and Cinematography/Film.
Programmes in Department of Broadcasting

Departmental Events

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Past HODs of Department of Broadcasting

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