Delivery, Return, Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. Please note that services will only be delivered / provided to students / other party upon the receipt of notification from our Banker that the fee for the appropriate service has been received.

  2. Please also note that Returns and cancellation of irregular payments by students / other party will be handled by the University Management and NOT Paytech . The Student / party concerned will have to write officially to the Vice Chancellor to get approval for cancellation of the transaction within one week of such occurrence and it will attract administrative charge of 20% on the amount within one weekinvolved to be borned by such student /other party.

  3. Please note that paytech is not authorized to refund any successful payments for whatsoever reasons.
    Request for refund, by any students/other party must be directed in writing to the VVice Chancellor to get approval for cancellation of the transaction within one week of such occurrence and it will attract administrative charge of 20% on the amount involvedice Chancellor who will decide and direct whether refund should be made or not. All approved refund will attract 20% administrative charge.