Meet YUNUS SALMAN ALADE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Arabic Narratology


Lecturer I


Foreign Languages


At the Foreign Languages department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: My Research Interest Area Is Contemporary Literary Criticism Specifically, Arabic Narratology

Description: I am inclined to Arabic literary criticism, particularly, the type of criticism which deals with a work of literature as something which stands free from extrinsic relations to the author/poet, or to the audience, or to the social or literary milieu. This objective criticism describes the literary product as a self-sufficient and autonomous object, or else as a world-in-itself, which is to be contemplated as its own end, and to be analyzed and judged solely by intrinsic criteria such as complexity, coherence, equilibrium, integrity, and the interrelations of its component elements. A major brand of this criticism is structuralist criticism which - inspired by F. De Saussure s structuralist linguistic insights and the works of the Russian formalists - concentrates on the immanent properties of the work itself, its in-built components that work in concert as a structural whole, a self-contained system which effectively functions as meaning-spinner independently of its author. An important branch of structuralist criticism is narratology, which, working in collaboration with poetics, semiotics, and genre theory, analyzes both content and form of narratives . This contemporary current of narrative study enjoys a catholic cultivation in the West and in the Arab world including North Africa. However, Arabic critics in other parts of Africa, especially Nigeria, seem not to be awake to this development in the academic world. As an Arabic critic, I have not only developed a penchant for Arabic narratology but have also decided as it obtains overseas - to make a career in it.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Arabic Narratology as an area in Contemporary Arabic Literary Criticism) Foreign Languages, Lagos State University 2018

Current Research

Story-Narrative Relations: a narratological study of distance in Jamiu Abiola s Aamaal Waaqi- iyyah

Research Details

The narrator in this novel seems to vary the distance between the story and the reader: at one time he takes up the narration as an event mediating fully between the story and the reader thereby making the reader far from the story getting only the much information the narrator wishes; and at another time he gives the floor to the characters to themselves communicate with the reader directly there receiving reliable and full information. To determine how better this modern narrative technique is explored in the novel and how the requirements of each option is adequately observed, this descriptive analytical study sets to beam its searchlight on the theoretical framework of the technique and the appropriateness of its application and to determine in particular to the direction of which one of these options the novel swings. The Genettean structuralist narratological model will be used especially the category of mood, which focuses the story-narration relationship.


YUNUS SALMAN is a Lecturer I at the Department of Foreign Languages

YUNUS has a Ph.D in Arabic Narratology as an area in Contemporary Arabic Literary Criticism from Foreign Languages, Lagos State University

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