Meet UCHE EBELE IFEYINWA, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Haemoglobinopathies And Transfusion Medicine


Associate Professor / Reader


Hematology and Blood Transfusion


At the Hematology And Blood Transfusion department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Transfusion Medcine

Description: Transfusion transmissible infections in healthy donorsVoluntary blood donation


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. MD Doctor of Medicine (MBBS) University of Jos. Jos. Plateau State 1998

Current Research

The role of Integrin Beta 1 in vaso-occlusive bone pain crisis in Sickle cell anaemia patients in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital

Research Details

Sickle cell anaemia is an autosomal reccessive genetic condition that alters the shape and function of the haemoglobin molecule causing the red blood cells to sickle. The commonest clinical manifestation is vaso occlusive crisis. One of the several mechanisms by which this occurs is when the microcirculation is obstructed by sickled cells causing ischaemic injury and consequent pain. Pain crisis is the most distinguishing feature of sickle cell anaemia and its the leading cause of emergency department visits and hospitalizations in these patients. Other mechanisms contributing to VOC is the role of adhesion molecules. This study aims to determine the role of an inflammatory substance Integrin 1 beta a leuocyte adhesion molecule in VOC.This will be a comparative and prospective study comprising of HbSS patients whilst HbAA participants will serve as controls. HbSS patients will be bled during a VOC and the same group of patients re-bled 3 months later when in steady state. All HbAA control participants will also have Integrin beta 1 assay. Data obtained will be analyzed to determine if any correlation exists between levels of Integrin beta 1 and HbSS in steady state, VOC and HbAA controls


UCHE EBELE is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Hematology and Blood Transfusion

UCHE has a MD Doctor of Medicine in MBBS from University of Jos. Jos. Plateau State

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