SOKEFUN Olusola Bolarinwa

Meet SOKEFUN Olusola Bolarinwa, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Organismal And Population Genetics


Senior Lecturer


Zoology and Environmental Biology


At the Zoology And Environmental Biology department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Biosafety, Bioinformatics, Genetics And Molecular Systematics

Description: The recent developments in the application s of technology to life for the improvement of living in recent years have been tremendous. This has necessitated a convergence of many typically independent aspects of science to make useful meaning of the ever increasing data available to scientist. Bioinformatics is a central science that merges biochemistry, genetics, mathematics and computer science to make a meaning of the plethora of data currently available to scientists for a better understanding of life, diseases and their causative agents, harnessing breed difference for improved quality plants and animals and tracing the relationship within and between species. As the population of the world ages, there are evidences of an increased genetic load due to closer intra and interbreeding of life including Man. The science of genetics is currently being deployed in countries where the government is serious about education and the facilities are available. Since we really cannot do much in terms of research, I am involved deeply in priming the upcoming science students on the possibilities that this science offers just maybe this will drive them to want to take a deeper look and interest in this special area of science. My research focusses on the understanding of population level relationship, proper classification of species, their biogeography and the harnessing of these similarities / differences in the improvement of species that are important to Man as food.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Fish Genetics) Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria 2015

Current Research

Characterization and Barcoding of the Nigerian Cattle Ticks Population

Research Details

Aims and Objectives: A proper description the Nigerian population of Ticks as a means to identifying what causes which disease in large ruminants. Ticks are Heamatophagus insects that are next only to Mosquitoes in terms of the havoc they wreck in the animal production enterprise. Nigeria is no exception to the plague that this group of insects cause especially because of the migratory nature of the Cattle production system. With migration in large populations also comes the ill of being exposed to large numbers of Ticks which have a breeding cycle that is in synchronous with the grazing of Cattle. Little knowledge currently exists at the molecular level about the molecular structure of the Nigerian Tick population. Most works at their characterization have depended on the use of morphological characters which are highly plastic to describe their population. My current research work seeks to use molecular techniques and the universally used CO1 gene segment to characterize and Barcode the Nigerian Cattle Tick population creating current and updated knowledge these very important group of insects.


SOKEFUN Olusola is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology

SOKEFUN has a Ph.D in Fish Genetics from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

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