Meet SAVAGE OLUREMI AJOKE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Human Rights, Health Law And Gender Issues


Senior Lecturer




At the Law department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Human Rights, Public Law , Sexual And Reproductive Health Rights And Medical Law

Description: Research relating to Human Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and Gender Issues especially those relating to Women and Girls


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Human Rights; Public Law) University of Pretoria, South Africa 2014

Current Research

Conscientious Objection and the Right of Women to Access Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Africa.

Research Details

The right to health care including the right to access sexual and reproductive health care services and information as recognised under numerous international/ regional human rights instruments and declarations is of paramount importance to women in Africa who are mostly affected by the society and state s actions/inactions which impede their access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care services. Most especially, a major obstacle which prevents women and adolescent girls from accessing important lifesaving SRH care services is the issue of conscientious objection on the part of health care providers on moral or religious grounds despite the recognition of the right to non-discrimination which prohibits discrimination on several grounds including those of sex and age among others. While the right of health care providers to object to undertake some SRH care services based on the reasoning that it goes against their religious and moral beliefs is recognised in this article, it is acknowledged that the use of conscientious objection by health providers is one of the main factors that contributes to the high maternal mortality and morbidity rates in the African region contrary to the intention of SDG 3 which seeks to promote healthy lives and wellbeing for everyone by 2030 through a reduction of maternal mortality rates and ensuring universal access to SRH care services. Thus, the intention in this article is to examine how the use of conscientious objection not only impedes access to quality SRH care services but more importantly, proffer solutions that can balance the two competing interests to achieve universal access to quality SRH care services for women in the region.


SAVAGE OLUREMI is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law

SAVAGE has a Ph.D in Human Rights; Public Law from University of Pretoria, South Africa

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