Meet SALISU TAIWO MOSHOOD, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Islamic Law






At the Religions department office

Visiting Hour

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Research Interest

Topic: The Place Of Adah/ Urf Custom In Islamic Law

Description: My research interest has always been tilted towards the extent of which Islamic Law accommodates customary practices al- Adah/al- Urf that are not inimical to the fundamental tenets of Islam. Significantly, it does not only show the flexibility cum elasticity of the Law but also its dynamism in the contemporary era. Indeed, in spite of our consciousness of syncretism among some adherents of Islam, yet, my research has made Islam easy to practice for an average Muslims and also present it to non Muslims alike against the background of the extremists who present it with a complex methodology and approach. Our attempt has always been making a clear-cut distinction between Islamic rules and customary practices using Shari ah as benchmark.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Islamic Studies) Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State university, Ojo, Lagos State 2011

Current Research

Shari ah Islamic Ordinance and Tasamuh Tolerance :Implication For Cohesive Societal Development

Research Details

Tolerance, peaceful co-existence and well-being are all sine qua non. Tolerance does not only aid and result to harmonious well-being but also strengthen it. The overall goal of Islam is peace, peaceful co-existence and well-being of humanity be it Muslim or non-Muslim. Indeed, tolerance is emphatically emphasised by the duo primary sources of the law. It is not out of order, therefore, to say that Shari ah is tolerance and vice versa. If the above postulation is anything to go by, then, do the Muslims who engage in the act of intolerance comprehend the Canon or do the non-Muslims who fight the Muslims indiscriminately understand their scripture?. Is act of tolerance among the Nigerian citizenry a myth or reality? What does the society stand to gain or loose if we are able to establish a position on either being myth or reality? Is conflict in any human society inevitable? Can any society develop without peace and tolerance? What is the key mechanism that guarantees harmonious coexistence? All these among others are what the study sets to achieve. The study, using descriptive approach submits that indiscriminate killings be it herdsmen, ethnicity, insurgency, religio-political killings are all baseless as many precepts in the sacred text condemns the act unequivocally. The study recommends the paradigm of the Prophets and the early generations of Islam Ahl Salaf in living harmoniously among mankind as well as benchmark for conflict resolutions. It recommends further live and let live principle among diverse faith in Nigeria with special reference to Firdaus Amasa hijab saga.


SALISU TAIWO is a Professor at the Department of Religions

SALISU has a Ph.D in Islamic Studies from Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State university, Ojo, Lagos State

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