Meet SAKA RAHMON OLAWALE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship And Management


Associate Professor / Reader


Business Administration


At the Business Administration department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Business Administration) Business Administration Department, Lagos State University, Ojo 2016

Current Research

Ease of Doing Business and the Maritime Sector of the Nigerian Ports Authority

Research Details

The concept of "Ease of Doing Business" (EODB) refers to the overall regulatory environment that affects businesses and entrepreneurs in a particular country. It encompasses various factors, including the ease of starting a business, obtaining permits and licenses, accessing credit, enforcing contracts, and more. EODB is often used as an indicator of a country's business-friendly environment and its attractiveness for investment and economic growth. The "Ease of Doing Business" (EODB) is a global ranking system that measures the regulatory environment that impacts businesses and entrepreneurs in a country. It includes factors such as starting a business, obtaining permits and licenses, accessing credit, and enforcing contracts. The EODB is often used to assess a country's business-friendly environment and its attractiveness for investment and economic growth.  The maritime sector is a vital part of the global economy, facilitating international trade and transportation of goods. Also, Inadequate connectivity and access roads also impact the ease of doing business, leading to congestion, delays, and increased transportation costs. Non-compliance with international environmental and safety standards can result in fines and disruptions to business operations. It is clear that these issues must be resolved in order to make doing business in the marine sector easier.

The main objective of this research is to examine the how ease of doing Business can enhance Nigerian Ports Authority activities and boost and country's maritime industry. This specific research objective will help the research to focus on different methods that can be applied to make Port Business seamless. The expected population will be the Nigeria Port-Authority members of Staff and registered Port Agents. The result is expected to be useful to the government and research community.


SAKA RAHMON is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Business Administration

SAKA has a Ph.D in Business Administration from Business Administration Department, Lagos State University, Ojo

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