Meet Dr RAJI SAKIRU OLAROTIMI, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Mdical Sociology


Lecturer I




At the Sociology department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest


Description: Dr Rajis research interests include Public and Community Health, Migration and Diversity, Social Exclusion and Discrimination, as well as Development and Governance. His current research is in the health conditions of emerging/minority communities.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Sociology) Department of Sociology, Univeristy of Ibadan 2016

Current Research

Artificiality of Colonial Boundary Creation, Socio-cultural Multiplicities and Healthcare Seeking Practices in African Border Communities

Research Details

The invasion and reconfiguration of African communities to states by colonial masters continued to be viewed as artificial borders and symbols of colonialism which were created on the basis of political ethnocentrism and economic gains to the larger disadvantage of border community inhabitants. This situation had not yet be reversed despite the long years of independence, rather it has further neo-colonized the residence of border regions in Africa. With these trends, to explain the developmental consequences of artificial boundaries on socio-cultural and healthcare practices of border communities in Southwest Nigeria, the transnationalism and socio-ecological model were adopted to guide the study. The study purposively selected residents of border-communities of Seme, Ilara and Okerete in Southwest Nigeria, using exploratory research-design. Narrative data were generated using eighteen Key Informant Interviews and thirty Focus Group Discussions. Data generated through the qualitative method were analyzed using ethnographic narrative content analysis. The study revealed that border residents are currently experiencing identity crisis, a high rate of criminality, and discriminatory infrastructural neglect. These incidences were originated in colonial era and continued to post-independent successive government. The consequences of colonialism and neo-colonialism had an adverse effects on border residence; therefore, policies that de-compose the effects of neo-colonialism and emphasis access to better health and social infrastructural development should be encouraged.


Dr RAJI SAKIRU is a Lecturer I at the Department of Sociology

Dr RAJI has a Ph.D in Sociology from Department of Sociology, Univeristy of Ibadan

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