Meet OYEBO YAKUB TUNDE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.




Senior Lecturer




At the Mathematics department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Crypto-Automorphism Of Quasigroups And Loops

Description: Crypto-automorphism is one of the bijections on the carrier setQ of a quasigroup Q, . . This bijection was first mentioned as a passing remark by Capodaglio as a type of bijective autotopism of quasigroups and loops. However, the study of the bijection as a concept, its algebraic properties and application to solving equational problems in quasigroups and loops have not been given direct consideration. This observation is instrumental to the decision to embark on this study, more so that the bijection offers alternatives or rather simpler/shorter approach for obtaining whether on not the inner mappings permutations of some varieties of quasigroups and loops, are automorphism or not.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Mathematics,/Algebra) Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State 2014

Current Research

A-Nuclei Characterization of Middle Bol Loop

Research Details

Introduction: This study presented a kind of characterization induced by actions of autotopy nuclei on some relations on loops. Previous results on regular permutations of Middle Bol relative to Left Bol loops were generalised.Aim: To use the A-Nuclei as bijections tools of characterization of middle Bol loop and establish that results obtained here is more refined that the ones obtained by Grecu et al, using the usual regular bijections.Contribution to knowledge: it was shown that, every middle pseudo-automorphism of a middle Bol loop Q,o is an automorphism, also shown in our efforts is that, every semi-automorphism of a middle Bol loop is a left regular mapping of the loop. Not only that, it was also established that,every bijection $1N A_m$ of the middle A-nuclei autotopy of right Bol loop is a left regular bijection of middle Bol loop. Furthermore,every bijections $I1N A_mI$ and $2N A_m$ of the middle A-nuclei autotopy of right Bol loop are right regular bijection of $ Q,o $, which is middle Bol loop.


OYEBO YAKUB is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics

OYEBO has a Ph.D in Mathematics,/Algebra from Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State

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