Meet OSHO TOYIN BEATRICE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Crop Production


Assistant Lecturer




At the Agriculture department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Genetic Dissection Of Yam Dioscorea Spp. Genetic Resource In Uganda For Resistance To Yam Mosaic Disease

Description: Yam mosaic virus YMV is the most important virus causing severe yield loss in yam-producing parts of the world, including Uganda. However, yam improvement programs in East Africa, especially in Uganda, lag considerably behind similar efforts in West Africa. For example, there is limited information on the incidence and impact of YMV disease on yam production in the country. Recently, a formal yam breeding program was initiated at the National Crops Resources Research Institute NaCRRI in Uganda, with diverse germplasm introduced to supplement local diversity in the country. However, information on the genetic architecture of resistance to YMV disease is lacking. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the existing knowledge for yam genetic improvement in Uganda through the identification of novel sources of resistance to the disease. Four objectives will be implemented: 1 mapping and characterization of YMV in Uganda; 2 determining the reaction of yam germplasm in Uganda to YMV; 3 identification of genomic regions associated with YMV disease to guide marker-assisted breeding; and 4 testing the effectiveness of genomic prediction for YMV disease resistance. This study will facilitate the systematic application of genomic tools for accelerated yam breeding in Uganda.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. M.Sc (Plant Breeding) Pan African University, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences including Health and Agriculture 2018

Current Research


Research Details

Yam mosaic virus YMV is the most important virus causing severe yield loss in yam-producing parts of the world, including Uganda. However, yam improvement programs in East Africa, especially in Uganda, lag considerably behind similar efforts in West Africa. For example, there is limited information on the incidence and impact of YMV disease on yam production in the country. Recently, a formal yam breeding program was initiated at the National Crops Resources Research Institute NaCRRI in Uganda, with diverse germplasm introduced to supplement local diversity in the country. However, information on the genetic architecture of resistance to YMV disease is lacking. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the existing knowledge for yam genetic improvement in Uganda through the identification of novel sources of resistance to the disease. Four objectives will be implemented: 1 mapping and characterization of YMV in Uganda; 2 determining the reaction of yam germplasm in Uganda to YMV; 3 identification of genomic regions associated with YMV disease to guide marker-assisted breeding; and 4 testing the effectiveness of genomic prediction for YMV disease resistance. This study will facilitate the systematic application of genomic tools for accelerated yam breeding in Uganda.


OSHO TOYIN is a Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Agriculture

OSHO has a M.Sc in Plant Breeding from Pan African University, Institute for Life and Earth Sciences including Health and Agriculture

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