Meet OLUWOLE SURUKITE OPEOLU, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Plant Ecology


Associate Professor / Reader




At the Botany department office

Visiting Hour

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Research Interest

Topic: Quantitative Study Of The Impacts Of Cement Dust On The Growth, Proximate And Heavy Metal Concentrations In Solanum Macrocarpon Africa Egg Plant

Description: INTRODUCTION: Anthropogenic activities of human in recent times have been ascribed as death trap especially those of industries like cement factories and mining sites on plants.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:The wastes, leftover and unused particles remain a threat to organisms plants . These particles such as those of the limestone Cement bio-accumulates in the plants& tissues and this might cause damage to humans when consumed. AIM: To quantify the impacts of cement dust on the growth, proximate and heavy metals concentration in Solanum macrocarpon. METHODOLOGY: Cement will be obtained from a cement dealer in Ojo, Perforated buckets will be filled with loamy soils and seedlings of S. macrocarpon will be transplanted. After successful establishment, the treatment would be administered on the plants cement dust as against the control in every 2 days. The growth pattern will be studied and quantified. Samples of S. macrocarpon will be taken for proximate and heavy metals concentration analysis. EXPECTED RESULT: Since cement is toxic in nature,it is expected to hindered the growth of plants consequently, it will affects the proximate compositions and thus,triggering the increase in the heavy metals concentrations.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Botany) Department Of Botany, University Of Lagos 1994

Current Research

Assessment of Allelopathic Potential and GC-MS of Petiveria alliacea on Growth of Corchorus olitorius and Amaranthus hybridus L.

Research Details

Allelopathy is an interference mechanism that ihbibits or stimulates the assocaited plant growth due to the release of chemical substances from live or liveless plant materials. AIM- This study aimed at assessing the allelopathic potential of Petiveria alliacea on the growth of Amaranthus hybridus and Corchorus olitorius. MATERIALS AND METHODS-Leaves of P. alliacea were obtained from Obadore, Alimosh, mature seeds of Amaranthus hybridus and Corchorus olitorius from local farmers and loamy soils were obtained from Botanical garden, LASU, Ojo. Nurseries were made and seedlings were transplanted into thirty buckets. Allelopathic experiements: control, 20gram, 40gram, 60gram and 80gramof powdered P. alliacea were applied to base portion of the established seedlings. After one week of treatment inducement, growth parameters were monitored. RESULTS- So far, it was observed that Amaranthus hybridus and Corchorus olitorius seedlings grown in control soil containing performed better than those treated with powdered P. alliacea 20g, 40g, 60g and 80g . Also, a reduction in stem height, leaf length, leaf breadth, number of leaves, stem girth, leaf petiole and leaf area for all plants subjected to powdered P. alliacea. WORK YET TO BE DONE- The phytochemical and GC-MS screening of the compounds responsible for the allelopathy will be done.


OLUWOLE SURUKITE is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Botany

OLUWOLE has a Ph.D in Botany from Department Of Botany, University Of Lagos

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