Meet OBAMIRO JOHN KOLADE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.



Associate Professor / Reader


Business Administration


At the Business Administration department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Modeling Of Smart Phone Switching Behavour Using Markov Chain

Description: Most smart phones users have the chance of switching from the one brand to another. The common brands of smart phone in Nigeria are iphone, Nokia, infinix, Techno, Giones, etc. Switching of customers from one brand to another is a function of the buyer's perception of product quality in terms of features, This study examines the smart phones switching behavour using Markov chain analysis


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Business Administration (Operations Management Option)) Department of Business Administration, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State 2011

Current Research

Forecasting Techniques and Accuracy of Sales performance in a Grocery

Research Details

One of the functions of management is to make strategic decisions that will the organisation positively in the future. The future of organistion's activities can be predicted using historical data, managers; experiences, opinion and judgement. An important role in business planing process is the application of forecasting techniques to determine customer demand. Forecasting is defined as an exercise that predict future of future occurrence of event. This study examines the application of forecasting techniques such as naive, moving averages, exponential smoothing, multiplicative decomposition and additive decomposition methods to forecast using historical sales figures generated from January, 2017 to August 2018 while the forecasting accuracy was evaluated.  The output of the methods were compared to determine the optimal forecast. By comparison it was observed that the multiplicative decomposition is the best method. Thus, the study recommend that the company should sales records for accurate. It was also recommend that company should use mutiltiplivative decomposition method


OBAMIRO JOHN is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Business Administration

OBAMIRO has a Ph.D in Business Administration (Operations Management Option) from Department of Business Administration, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State

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