Meet LAWAL OLUFEMI ADIGUN, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Industrial/organizational Psychology






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Research Interest

Topic: Roles Of Socio-Psychological Factors In The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Training And Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Study Of LASU Undergraduates

Description: As evident in global statistics, a country s development can be determined by her entrepreneurial development, generally, and, by the number of entrepreneurs that emerge and eventually succeed. One factor that might play a prominent role in willingness to set up business enterprises but which does not seem to have received much attention, especially in Nigeria, is entrepreneurial training ET . Therefore, the question of whether entrepreneurial dispositions, particularly entrepreneurial intentions EI , can be developed and strengthened in people through training is worth examining. Essentially, this study examines the efficacies of different levels of exposure to ET on EI. It also compares the contributions of ET and other entrepreneurship-relevant factors to EI. A total of 1,662 undergraduates of LASU responded to a comprehensive, online survey comprising of Entrepreneurial Ability Scale EAS ; the Risk Propensity Scale SRP; the Achievement Motivation Questionnaire AMQ ; the Trust in Government Scale TGS ; and the Entrepreneurial Intentions Questionnaire. Data analyses with Chi Square test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and regression analyses were carried out. Results revealed that the proportion of 200-level or 300-level students exposed to ET who had higher scores on EI, was significantly higher ENT 202 = 38.6%; ENT 302 = 43.8% than that of students in the unexposed or control group 36.9% . Furthermore, EI was increased by ENT 202 training only, and neither by ENT 302 nor among the 100 level students who did not receive ET, but the relationship of ET to EI was moderated by gender, age, entrepreneurial ability, and risk-propensity. Trust in government negatively predicted EI but neither mediated nor moderated the relationship between ET and EI. Finally, the newly developed Trust in Government Scale TGS exhibited good psychometric properties. Trust in Government, which can be reliably and validly measured with the TGS, is a strong predictor of EI among budding entrepreneurs.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) Department of Psychology, University of Lagos 2011

Current Research

Work-environmental Factors and Employees Experiences of Somatic Stress Syndromes

Research Details

This study examined the extent to which somatic stress experience of body pains without underlying causes was influenced by factors inherent in the work environment including perceptions of the quality of leadership provided by employees heads of departments/units; social support from employees coworkers; degree of emphasis organizations place on performance performance orientation culture, PERFOC ; the extent to which employees are seen and treated as humans people orientation culture, PEOPOC ; how much organizations focus on their market performances market-orientation culture; MOC ; and how cordially organizations members integrate with one another organizational integration culture, OIC .A total of 493 employees of service and manufacturing organizations in South-western Nigeria responded to an instrument comprising Quality of Leadership QOL , Coworker Support, and Organizational Culture Scales. Moderated Regression Analysis performed on data obtained revealed significant influences of QOL, PERFOC, and Coworker Supporton somatic stress. There were alsoinsignificant influences of PEOPOC, MOC, and OICon somatic stress. While other proposed interactions were insignificant, that of PERFOC with coworker support was significant whereby somatic stress was highest when performance orientation culture was high and coworker support low, and lowest when performance orientation culture was low and coworker support high. These results underscore the exacerbating and mitigating roles that high PERFOC and good coworker support, respectively, play on the development of somatic stress. Job pressures that are common in high PERFOCs can take a huge toll on the employees well-beingin form of frequent complaints/reports of body pains without obvious causes.


LAWAL OLUFEMI is a Professor at the Department of Psychology

LAWAL has a Ph.D in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Department of Psychology, University of Lagos

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