Meet LADEJI ADEOLA MOFOLUWAKE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Oral Maxillofacial Pathology


Senior Lecturer


Oral Pathology / Oral Medicine


At the Oral Pathology / Oral Medicine department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Trend Of Paediatric Orofacial Malignancies In An African Population: A Multicenter Sudy.

Description: &p style= text-align: justify; &&span style= font-weight: normal; &ABSTRACT&/span&&p style= text-align: justify; &&span style= font-weight: normal; &The Nigerian population has not been spared of the cancer burden which has been reported to be on the increase globally. In addition to problems which interplay with presentation at the healthcare facility, diagnosis, prompt and adequate treatment, there is an obvious lack of infrastructure which facilitates effective reporting and analysis of cancer cases in Nigeria. Few reports on pediatric orofacial malignancies are single institution based and these are fraught with discrepancies therefore will not be able to represent the regional picture. This multicenter retrospective study of pediatric orofacial malignancy has been able to collect data from 4 tertiary centers in the Southwestern region of Nigeria, which is the most populous nation in Africa. These tertiary centers are the main referral centers in Southwestern Nigeria; they cater to an estimated population of 35.6 million people. The study aims to determine the socio-demographics of pediatric orofacial malignancies and assess the prevailing trend and patterns.&/span&&div style= text-align: justify; &


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Part 2, Fellowship, National Post Graduate Medical College Nigeria. (Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology) National Postgraduate Medical College, Nigeria. 2016

Current Research


Research Details

&p style= text-align: justify; &&span style= font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; &INTRODUCTION&/span&&p class= MsoNormal style= text-align: justify; &&span lang= EN-US style= font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; &The Nigerian population has not been spared of the cancer burden which has been reported to be on the increase globally. In addition to problems which interplay with presentation at the healthcare facility, diagnosis, prompt and adequate treatment, there is an obvious lack of infrastructure which facilitates effective reporting and analysis of cancer cases in Nigeria. Few reports on pediatric orofacial malignancies are single institution based and these are fraught with discrepancies therefore will not be able to represent the regional picture. This multicenter retrospective study of pediatric orofacial malignancy has been able to collect data from 4 tertiary centers in the Southwestern region of Nigeria, which is the most populous nation in Africa. These tertiary centers are the main referral centers in Southwestern Nigeria; they cater to an estimated population of 35.6 million people. The study aims to determine the socio-demographics of pediatric orofacial malignancies and assess the prevailing trend and patterns.&/span&&p class= MsoNormal style= text-align: justify; &&span style= font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; &METHODOLOGY&/span&&p class= MsoNormal style= text-align: justify; &&span lang= EN-US style= line-height: 115%; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; &Biopsy records, surgical day books and patient registers of all histopathologically diagnosed head and neck lesions amongst pediatric patients seen at the Lagos State University College of Medicine LASUCOM , Ikeja, Lagos, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complexes OAUTHC , Ile-Ife, University College Hospital UCH , Ibadan and Lagos University Teaching Hospital LUTH , Idi-Araba Lagos, between January 2008 and December 2018 were retrieved and analyzed. All clinical diagnoses were corroborated with their histopathological diagnosis gold standard of diagnosis and in cases some were re-confirmed with adjunctive pathological techniques&/span&


LADEJI ADEOLA is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Oral Pathology / Oral Medicine

LADEJI has a Part 2, Fellowship, National Post Graduate Medical College Nigeria. in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology from National Postgraduate Medical College, Nigeria.

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