Meet JIMOH AKINOLA SALIU, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Social Studies And Values Education




Lang, Arts AND Sci


At the Lang, Arts AND Sci department office

Visiting Hour

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# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Social Studies) Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos 2012

Current Research

Derailing social, political and value systems in Nigeria: The need for civic education

Research Details

Introduction:The Nigerian society is bedevilled with an avalanche of social, moral and political problems. These social ills have eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian society to the extent that primary school pupils and secondary school students are no less inflicted than learners at higher levels and even non school leavers, artisans, drivers, civil servants, private and public sector employees employees as well. To ameliorate the problems therefore, there is the need to catch them young through inculcation of moral, social and political values into young Nigerians in the schools.Some stake holders in the education system have shifted focus to the capability of civic education to inculcate values into young learners. Hence, the study attempts to rate the various value laden subjects on the school timetable and to determine the perceived degree to which civic education can help in instilling the societal cherished values generally and political values in particular into school children.Methodology:The study is a case study which attempts to sample the opinion of stake holders on the potency of civic education in the inculcation of the cherished values into learners.Method of Data Collection:A self developed questionnaire was administered to students and teachers from randomly sampled secondary schools. Method of Data Analysis:Collected data will be analysed with frequency counts, simple percentages and the Pearson product moment correlation statistic formula.Work done So Far:Designing and administration of instrument as well as collection and analysis of data.Contribution to Knowledge:The study will expose the capability of civic education in the inculcation of societal values in learners therefore, the findings of the study will be beneficial to stake holders in the education sector particularly the students, teachers, curriculum planners, school administrators and policy makers.


JIMOH AKINOLA is a Professor at the Department of Lang, Arts AND Sci

JIMOH has a Ph.D in Social Studies from Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos

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