Meet IDOWU ABIMBOLA JOHN, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Neurophysiology, Aging, Learning And Memory


Senior Lecturer




At the Physiology department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Synaptic Function, Learning And Memory During Normal Ageing

Description: My current research involves studying the synaptic properties of hippocampal and cortical neurons as a basis for learning and memory. In addition my research attempts characterize neurobehavioural implications in health or disease and identify novel therapeutic targets or strategies to improve neuronal function, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory during normal ageing, health or disease.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Physiology) Physiology, Lagos State University 2016

Current Research

Environmental Enrichment and Neurobehavioural Function in the BALB/c Mice

Research Details

Environmental enrichment has shown to increase adult neurogenesis and improve cognitive function in different rodent models, however the functional and behavioural implications of environmental enrichment of the BALB/c kept in a typical standard housing in Nigeria laboratories is yet to be characterized. Housing and cage conditions may alter normal behavioural phenotypes of rodents. This study is aimed at assessing the implications of such environmental conditions in which animals are raised and how it may affect research outcomes. It is expected that the results would provide a basis for what type of enrichment is appropriate for the BALB/c animal model in Nigerian research laboratories and animal house facilities. In a recent pilot study with the BALB/c mice, our findings revealed that there was a significant increase in motor and cognitive function with environmental enrichment during early development in the BALB/c mice. It is hypothesized that appropriate environmental enrichment in the rodent housing or cage may preserve unique functional and behavioural phenotypes of these rodents. It is expected that environmental enrichment will help achieve reproducible research data in rodent models used for medical research in Nigeria.


IDOWU ABIMBOLA is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physiology

IDOWU has a Ph.D in Physiology from Physiology, Lagos State University

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