Meet HARUNA MUSA , an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Francophone Africa Literature


Senior Lecturer


Foreign Languages


At the Foreign Languages department office

Visiting Hour

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Research Interest

Topic: Semiotics And Francophone African Literature Of The Post Colonial Period: The Concept Of Hybridity In Festin De La Detresse Of Aminata Sow Fall

Description: The African literature of the post colonial epoch goes out in full force to denounce, correct, redress and eradicate the anomalies of the colonial masters and to gain independence for the Africans. The satirical approach thus gave prevalence to the content of the work rather than its form and structure. The problem of identity and freedom were the leading focus leaving less room for the appraisal of aesthetic and socio-linguistics effects on the European language. For this reason, this research attempts through the theoretical concept of hybridity to focus on the innovative linguistic strategies deployed towards the indigenization of the foreign languages. African orature, intertextuality, architextuality, hypertextuality, translation, proverb, code mixing, code-switching were used by indigenous writers in specialized manner to Africanize and domesticate the foreign language.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (African Literature) Foreign Languages, Lagos State University 2020

Current Research


Research Details

Literary genres in Africa have long been the products of personal creativity of male writers. These authors, especially in the context of Post-Independence African Literature were known for their commitment to the betterment of the living conditions of the masses through their fight for human rights, human values and justice. They displayed a vigorous and passionate resistance against domination, exploitation and tyranny. However it is glaring to note that most of these writers did not take the defence of the African women rights into their struggle. Instead, the roles of women have been confined to the homes, the children and the farms; their voices were not heard. The colonial experience did not change the situation neither did the introduction of Islam and Christianity. At the end of the study we shall bring to limelight the leadership skills in women in a patriarchal society, recognise the potentials of women in defending their rights, be convinced that there can parity between men and women in terms of responsibilities and take cognizance of the importance of education in feminist struggle.The method of analysis shall deploy tools of textual analysis provide by Derrida s theory. The work relies on the deconstruction theory of Jacques Derrida and literary myth in our approach to feminism. We shall use Derrida s theory to correct the existing misconceptions which affect women and; literary myth to expose the inherent qualities otherwise exceptional in the female characters created by Kourouma. Deconstruction is not about warring or reversal of roles, but evolving a new order where men and women will not see themselves as opposite pairs, but as entities given equal opportunities and saddled with the responsibility to build together a harmonious society.


HARUNA MUSA is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages

HARUNA has a Ph.D in African Literature from Foreign Languages, Lagos State University

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