Meet FADUYILE FRANCIS ADEDAYO, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Cytopathology, Gynaecological Pathology & Autopsy/forensic Pathology




Pathology and Forensic Medicine


At the Pathology And Forensic Medicine department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: DNA Sequence Of Cancer Genes Implicated In Patients Presenting With Different Stages Of Cervical Cancers In Lagos State University Teaching Hospital.

Description: This study is to identify and examine the DNA sequence information of the genes implicated in cervical carcinomas and the type of mutations that can be employed as potential cervical cancer diagnostic markers.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. FCPath-ECSA (Anatomic Pathology) The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Health Sciences 2016

Current Research

Firearm related mortality: a review of two hundered and eighty cases in Lagos, Nigeria between 2010 and 2015

Research Details

Firearm deaths are common in many cities in the world. Lagos is the economic capital of Nigeria and has a high population density. this study is to assess deaths as a result of firearm injuries who died shortly after the incident. Those that died as a result of firearm are rregarded as a coroners case and are depositied mainly in the designated mortuarries by the Lagos State Government. The main Forensic centre is the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital morgue. The autopsy register and reports of those that died as a result of firearm injuries were extracted and were grouped according to their age and gender. The type of firearm used , the location of injury, and the cause of death were also noted. We found out that majority of the deaths are as a result of multiple injuries, craniocerebral injuries and exsanguination and are of male gender. The chest is the main location of injury and the age group 21-30 year is the most affected age group.


FADUYILE FRANCIS is a Professor at the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine

FADUYILE has a FCPath-ECSA in Anatomic Pathology from The East, Central and Southern Africa College of Health Sciences

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