Meet ENONE LILLIAN LAMI, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics,science Of Dental Materials


Lecturer I


Restorative Dentistry


At the Restorative Dentistry department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry And Science Of Dental Materials, Dental Implantology

Description: Endodontics- research related to root canal anatomy of the different teeth, regenerative Endodontics and surgical endodontics. Traumatic dental injuries science of dental materials; Research pertaining to material science of different dental materials with respect to their physical, chemical, mechanical and biological properties. Conservative dentistry inclusive of operative dentistry, aesthetics as well as other procedures relating to restorative dentistryDental Implantology


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. FWACS (Restorative Dentistry) Lagos State University Teaching Hospital LASUTH Ikeja Lagos State 2016

Current Research

Antibiotic prescription among Endodontists and general dental practitioners in Nigeria

Research Details

The aim of the study is to asses the antibiotic prescription for common Endodontic infections by specialists in training as well as specialists in restorative dentistry and in addition, general dental practitioners in Nigeria. The study looks at which group of infections are antibiotics regularly prescribed for, the frequency as well as other parameters so as to asses the overall usuage and practice of antibiotic prescription.This is a descriptive study utilizing an online questionnaire which was shared to dentists particularly specialists in restorative dentistry as well as private practitioners and general dental practitionersInformed consent would be incorporated into the study and Willingness to fill the questionnaire by participants involved would be taken as there consent to participate in the study.Ethical approval was obtained from the health research and ethics committee of the Lagos State University teaching hospital LASUTH and responses for the study is still ongoingData obtained will be analyzed using SPSS version 26research in progress


ENONE LILLIAN is a Lecturer I at the Department of Restorative Dentistry

ENONE has a FWACS in Restorative Dentistry from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital LASUTH Ikeja Lagos State

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