Meet DUROWOJU STELLA TOYOSI, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Organisation Behaviour In Business Administration




Business Administration


At the Business Administration department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: A Behavioural Approach To Small And Medium Enterprises Development In Entrepreneurial Organisations.

Description: Entrepreneurial studies cut across all areas of study in Lagos State University and indeed Nigeria.  In order to curb unemployment rates in the country, tertiary institutions like LASU invested heavily on Students and Human Capital Development in order to train and retrain staff to be self dependent after retirement.  Also, Students are introduced to Entrepreneurship courses with practical mentoring through many Entrepreneurial trainings such as Ready Set Work, compulsory general courses in entrepreneurship (ENT), Workshops, STEM education, ODLRI and recently Linkages and Conversion programs for those who want to change their courses and develop themselves at the undergraduate levels in order to add to their passion in entrepreneurial studies.  These are some of the areas of excellence that made LASU to be one of the best Universities in this Continent and a Centre of Excellence in Nigeria.   Having an interest in Small and Medium Enterprises development is a means of studying how unemployment can be reduced and social vices brought into barest minimum through entrepreneurship development and empowerment programs.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Business Administration) Lead City University, Ibadan 2012

Current Research


Research Details

Perception is all about how individuals viewed the world around it weather positively or negatively.   The objective of this paper is to examine how employees consider perceptual habits to cause problems and the aftermath effects on the work place sustainability.  The methodology used in this study is to collect data from Lagos State University staff through the use of structured questionnaire copies.  The expected result will determine how perception affects turbulent situation that arises in work place which may be as a result of lack of financial resources or other welfare packages meant for the employees.    The research will contribute to the knowledge of organisation behaviour on how perceptual behaviour can be managed in order not to cause disharmony between the employees and the management.   It will also enable the management to know the contribution of participative leadership and dissemination of information promptly to all staff in order to avoid rumour mongering.  The inability of any organisation to settle turbulent situation so that the situation will not degenerate to strike action is paramount especially when information technology has taken over the whole world through social media.  The effect of wrong information can result into unforeseen situation that may warrant even the closure of the organisation.


DUROWOJU STELLA is a Professor at the Department of Business Administration

DUROWOJU has a Ph.D in Business Administration from Lead City University, Ibadan

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