Bamgbose Jimoh Adele

Meet Bamgbose Jimoh Adele, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.



Associate Professor / Reader


Political Science


At the Political Science department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Nigerian Politics


The research is based on examining the political evolution of Nigeria and having done that, to examine the problems plaguing Nigeria such as corruption, revenue allocation, ethnic politics, federalism, population census, military incursion, insecurity among others. The method adopted is a secondary source as well as interviews. The expected result is to find out the extent to which these problems have been plaguing Nigeria and to recommend diverse ways out of these problems.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (International Relations) Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan. 2011

Current Research

Camerounian Refugees in Nigeria: The Respect for the principle of Non-Refoulement.

Research Details


Refugees influx to other neigbouring countries has become hightened since the Cold War era due to widespread conflicts that engendered World Wide insecurity. The Camerounian Refugees influx to Nigeria was necessitated by the agitations for independence by the people of Southern Cameroon against the Francophone north. These series of agitations had led to the displacements of about 500,000 English speaking civilians in the area now called Ambazonia to Nigeria spreading to Akwa Ibom, Benue, Cross River, and Taraba States.  Nigeria did not do as the Camerounian Government did to the 130,000 Nigerian Refugees in Cameroon who were forced to return to Banki, Gwoza, and Pulka in Borno State knowing fully well that Borno state was not safe for them.  


(1) To find out the degree of respect Nigeria has for Article 33(1) of the United Nations Refugee Convention of 1951 which introduced the principle of non-refoulment. (2) To find out the degree of love that Nigeria has for Africans especially in a troublous time.

METHODOLOGY: The methodology adopted is purely data from secondary sources, that is, magazines, journals, and books among others. The expected result is to find out the willingness of Nigeria to accommodate and cater for Africans in a troublous time.


The research will serve as (1) A reminder to other countries of the world to abide by Article 33 (1) of the Principle of Non-refoulement. (2) To show to the non-contracting countries the template in existence for not forcefully repatriating refugees. 


Bamgbose Jimoh is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Political Science

Bamgbose has a Ph.D in International Relations from Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan.

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