Meet AKINNUWESI BOLUWAJI ADE, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


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Associate Professor / Reader


Computer Science


At the Computer Science department office

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Research Interest

Topic: Software Engineering, Soft Computing, Medical Informatics

Description: I focus on application of software development methodologies to model and implement software systems, carry out performance evaluation of the systems, and deplore software systems for good quality service delivery. I have developed a number of software frameworks for solving some local problems identified in Nigeria. Examples are 1 Conceptualization of National Integrated Credit Bureau NICB System; 2 Automated Students Attendance Taking in Tertiary Institution using Facial Recognition Algorithm; 3 Enhancing Automated Teller Machine with Multi-Lingual and Multi-Denominational Software Functionalities; 4 LASU Electronic Helpdesk Support System e-Help and 5 Computer Aided Multilingual Teaching System and LASU Electronic Performance Evaluation Review System. Nigeria, being one of the developing countries, has dearth of medical experts and low adoption of medical decision support systems. This informed my current passion to developing a medical diagnostic decision support system that has the potential of supporting the activities of the medical personnel in the tropical countries which have high prevalence of tropical diseases, most of which have overlapping confusable symptoms. These conditions are of concern to health bodies, physicians, and the community at large because of the mortality rates, and difficulties in early differential diagnosis.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Ph.D (Computer Science) Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria 2011

Current Research

Development and Evaluation of a Soft-Computing System for the Differential Diagnosis of Tropical Confusable Diseases using the Fuzzy Cognitive Map Technique by Prof. F.M.E. Uzoka, Dr. B.A. Akinnuwesi, Dr. O.U. Obot and Dr Mrs . T.F. Akpelishi

Research Details

The research focuses on building the software for diagnosis of tropical diseases, based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map FCM model, evaluating the performance of the software based on the physician perspectives, conducting an acceptance study on the physicians who will evaluate the system and deploring it on desktop and android based mobile devices. The diagnostic system has the potential of providing the needed assistance to physicians, especially if they are built with some artificial intelligence capabilities. Using the FCM model, the software will take cognizance of manifested symptoms and other subjective factors that are non-clinical, but which could improve the diagnostic accuracy of the diseases. We will adopt the User-Centric Design UCD software development methodology for the system development. The system will be developed using combination of these tools: Eclipse/NetBeans, CSS, HTML, Java, SQL or IBM Worklight. The software will be tested on digital computers Mobile and Desktop systems that can be used by physicians in Nigeria and travel clinics in Canada. The physicians will use the system in parallel with their regular diagnosis in order to determine the utility and efficiency of our system.


AKINNUWESI BOLUWAJI is a Associate Professor / Reader at the Department of Computer Science

AKINNUWESI has a Ph.D in Computer Science from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria

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