Meet AINA ADEBOWALE JAPHET, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Ict, Irm, Libraries Services And Management.


Lecturer II


Technical Services


At the Technical Services department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. Masters in Library and Information Science - ICT Option MIRM (Library and Information Science) BABCOCK University, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. 2014

Current Research

Social Media Usage and Attendance Consequence of Nigerians participation and Governance: Information Regulations Agency Perspective.

Research Details

IntroductionThe advent of the Internet and the new Media technologies has revolutionized the way social networking sites and communication system are shaping life Globally that a lot of social media users are now adopting the technology for their benefits irrespective of place, space and time.While the public has overtime become accustomed to the services and regulation of conventional media like the Radio, TV, and Print establishments by government regulatory agencies, the idea of regulating social media platforms which many users consider to be the major avenue to air their unhindered views is one that has generated a lot of mixed reactions in the recent times. This and many others issues form the basis for this study.ObjectiveTo find the perception, knowledge and possible harm associated with the use of unregulated Nigerian social media users towards government regulation of social media.MethodologyPurposive research method was use to select respondents for this study while researchers adopted survey research design to solicit for information from the population trough guestionaires.ContributionThe study therefore recommends transparency and openness on the part of government officials, for better cooperation among the public users.Keywords: Internet, Social Media, Media Regulation, Social Media Regulation, Free Speech, Social Media Bill etc.IN PROGRESS..


AINA ADEBOWALE is a Lecturer II at the Department of Technical Services

AINA has a Masters in Library and Information Science - ICT Option MIRM in Library and Information Science from BABCOCK University, Ilisan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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