Meet ABIODUN-ASANRE OLUWASEUN ADEOLA, an Academic Staff of Lagos State University.


Digital Literacy, Health Information Literacy, Open Science, Global Health Initiate. And


Assistant Lecturer


Technical Services


At the Technical Services department office

Visiting Hour

Appointment on Visitation important

Research Interest

Topic: Digital Library

Description: My study focuses on digital libraries, including electronic libraries, virtual libraries, and libraries without walls. understand the words, features, demands, evolution, and components of a digital library. I believe in taking on new problems and developing new, inventive solutions to increase library efficiency since I have a strong understanding of library automation, IT equipment, information literacy and digital literacy.


# Certificate SchoolYear
1. MLIS (Library, Archival and Information Studies) University of Ibadan 2018

Current Research

An Assessment Of Demographic Factors That Affect Reading Culture And Students Mental Well-being At Lagos State University

Research Details

The descriptive survey research design was adopted. Using the convenience sampling technique, 1500 students from Lagos State University were selected as respondents but1313 respondents were used for final analysis.
Using the multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA), two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

The result of the first hypothesis indicated a statistically significant effect and difference between the demographic factors and reading culture (F=7.695,p<.001, partial η²=.153) with effect size, as measured by partial eta squared of 15.3% of the variance in students' reading culture.
Equally, the second hypothesis also found a statistically significant effect between the demographic factors and students' mental well-being(F(30,1282)=10.323,p<.000, partial η²=.195).

This indicates that, collectively, the demographic variables accounted for approximately 19.5% of the variance in mental well-being scores among the students.
Based on these findings, the study concluded that various aspects of students' lives, such as living arrangements and academic progression, can have a meaningful impact on students' mental well-being and reading practices. Therefore, it recommended that university management and administrators should focus on creating supportive reading environments within different types of hostels (on-campus and off-campus) to enhance students' reading habits.
Additionally,interventions should be redesigned to address the unique mental health needs of students, particularly paying attention to gender-specific patterns and the influence of academic levels, with a focus on providing appropriate support and resources.
KEYWORDS: Demographic factors, mental well-being, reading culture,university


ABIODUN-ASANRE OLUWASEUN is a Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Technical Services

ABIODUN-ASANRE has a MLIS in Library, Archival and Information Studies from University of Ibadan

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